Vision Dynamics Adds 7x28 Clear Semi-Finished to High Index Line

Louisville, Kentucky, April, 2024 — Vision Dynamics is pleased to announce the addition of a clear 7x28 1.67 semi-finished lens to our 1.67 photo grey 7x28 lens line. As the newest addition to our family of high index multifocals, it is designed to enhance the availability of 1.67 trifocals and help complete existing multifocal product lines.


“Manufactured to complement our existing high index multifocal line, our clear 7x28 1.67 semi-finished gives labs a choice and allows for the ordering of a wider range of specialty lenses from a single supplier,” said Eric Lindquist, National Sales Manager.


“Our clear 7x28 1.67 gives surfacing labs and retailers an additional multifocal option,” said Julianne West, VP of Sales Operations, with a competitive price point, it is another option to complete their high index trifocal line.,” summarized West.

For more information or to place an order, please visit or call our Customer Care line at 888-900-5503.


Vision Dynamics Laboratory, a division of Vision Dynamics LLC, is a specialty lens lab and lens manufacturer providing unique lens solutions. With a focus on glass lens surfacing, Vision Dynamics is an authorized distributor for all major glass suppliers. Our onsite colorization and filter lab produces innovative lens products and in array of materials, custom photochromic colors, and highly saturated colors difficult to achieve with standard technologies. With processes developed and materials blended in the USA, Vision Dynamics leads the industry in creating unique lens products to simplify workflow, enhance products lines, and expand material offerings.